Blog Stories

Teacher Resource Videos Available!

I am pleased to announce that my teacher videos are now available on this website for your use. Simply click on the "Teacher Videos" prompt at the top of the website page and you will find 6 titles covering important pedagogical topics. Each one is broken down into...

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Video Performances from Home

Dear Colleagues, My Problem: For several years now, I have taught a lovely family of two girls.  No matter how hard I try, I cannot get the oldest girl away from note punching individual notes much too slowly.  This results in a never-ending slow and dragging...

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Theory Book Review–Kim Johnson Series

After many years of using the same theory series, I decided it was time to make a change to a different series.  I decided on Basics of Keyboard Theory by Julie McIntosh Johnson.  A self published series, it is available for purchase on  There are 10 books...

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Welcoming the Holiday Break into Your Studio

The time frame between Halloween and Christmas is filled with additional activities and distractions for all of our students.  If you throw in travelling over Thanksgiving, students often come back tired and having lost a week of practice.  The same thing can happen...

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Creating Active Listeners!

This fall I made a commitment to develop my students into more "active listeners."  How's it going?  The truth is, I'm not sure.  It's too early to tell.  i can say I'm doing a lot more "exploratory teaching" these days.  After the student plays, I'm always tempted to...

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Ushering in the New School Year!

Labor Day has come and gone and now it's time to get the new year rolling.  How can we open and look updated and fresh?  Consider rearranging furniture (NOT the piano necessarily!).  If you have a grand piano, it may not be possible, but you can alter the seating...

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Summer Keys 3–Developing a Recital Plan for 2022-23!

During the 2021-22 school year I finally had the three recitals on the "normal" schedule I previously had prior to 2020 and Covid.  It felt truly great to get the students back out and performing regularly!   My "go to" venue allowed me to book my dates in advance...

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Summer Keys 2–Developing a Year Around Program that Works

On the many blogs available for music teachers, one theme that continues to surface is the issue around summer lessons and the loss of income.  Of course, if you are running a school with group classes, those are dictated by start and stop dates and summers may be...

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Summer Keys 1

Welcome to Summer Keys!  I will be posting a series of articles with suggestions to make summer studies meaningful and well-structured.   As we continue to open our studios, it's more important than ever to plan for well-structured lessons.  Generally I plan one or...

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Where Do We Go From Here

It's late March and Spring is just around the corner!  As this school year winds down, it's time to consider what direction you would like your teaching to go in the future.  Spring and Summer months are the optimal time to plan ahead for the next school year.  Once...

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Spring Conferences–A Tool for Better Success

Last Spring, I asked for a brief, 5 to 10 minute conference.  Students  students attended as well.  We discussed  to  future plans, how thie year went, and our future together.  I was amazed at just how unclear some parents were about expectations.  Some even thanked...

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All Things Spring–Celebrate!

Most school's spring breaks a well into April this year (in our area, it focuses on the week before Easter).  This year, it is easy to run late with plans for the year end recital.  If you haven't already begun that final big plan for the end of the year rite of...

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Working Through the Heart of the Year

It is the heart of the school year.  Many festivals and activities are generally held between mid February and late April.  If you are a Guild, National Auditions, or Trinity Auditions teacher, the exams can spread into mid May to early June.  Now is the time to...

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Planning Ahead for a New School Year!

Are you kidding?  Plan NOW for next summer and fall!  YES, YES, and YES.  In my studio, paperwork/registration/tuition changes and any policy changes are announced in a new folder that is given to all existing families after spring break in April.  The deadline for...

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