Blog Stories
Summer Keys 1
Welcome to Summer Keys! I will be posting a series of articles with suggestions to make summer studies meaningful and well-structured. As we continue to open our studios, it's more important than ever to plan for well-structured lessons. Generally I plan one or...
Where Do We Go From Here
It's late March and Spring is just around the corner! As this school year winds down, it's time to consider what direction you would like your teaching to go in the future. Spring and Summer months are the optimal time to plan ahead for the next school year. Once...
Spring Conferences–A Tool for Better Success
Last Spring, I asked for a brief, 5 to 10 minute conference. Students students attended as well. We discussed to future plans, how thie year went, and our future together. I was amazed at just how unclear some parents were about expectations. Some even thanked...
Book Review: Abby Whiteside on Piano Playing – Part 2
Splashing In a complete break from the “traditional” approach, Whiteside describes a method she refers to as splashing. The concept is based on a the simple principle of keyboard geography. While stressing a solid, rounded hand position, Whiteside advocates an...
Teaching New And Transfer Students to Read with Confidence
For years I taught students new to piano to read using method books, following along using their guide notes, and adding one or two notes at a time. Even with all the supplemental reading, and intervallic and directional aides, I felt my students were slow readers. I...
Beethoven’s Variation Sets and Their Influence on the Variation Movements in his Sonatas
Background Perhaps it began with the "differentiae" of the psalm tones in the tenth century. Music historian Craig Cummings stated, The idea of variation is perhaps the longest-enduring concept in all of music history. From the earliest glimmers of the most...
Reading Resources for Teaching Children on the Autism Spectrum, ADHD, and Unique Learning Styles
There are many resources available in books, magazines, and online. Here are just a few to get you started. Good summer reading! Barkley, R (1990) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment. New York, N.Y.:: Guildford Press. Skim...
Book Review: Abby Whiteside on Piano Playing – Part 1
Abby Whiteside on Piano Playing : Indispensables of Piano Playing - Mastering the Chopin Etudes and Other Essays It was a crisp November day in Manhattan as I stood in front of No. 8 East 83rd Street. The holiday hustle and bustle was no match for the anticipation of...