Dear Colleagues,

This week’s post offers you a three workshop series on Wellness for the Piano Teacher and Studio Musician.  The series will be held on three Fridays in October and November between 10 AM and 12 Noon, EST.  The topics will be:

October 9th:  Chip Moseley:  How to Stay Naturally Healthy in the Neck, Shoulders and Spine for Piano Teachers.

October 30th:  Clinician Barbara Lister-SInk:  Avoiding Injury in the Studio

November 6th:  Clinican Suzanne Faulkner:  An Introduction to the Alexander Technique

These workshops will be complementary.  All you need to do is go to the link below or go to and click on the link provided the morning of the workshop.  You will be livestreamed into Bosendorfer Hall and will be able to view the workshops in the comfort of your own home. We hope you take advantage of this wonderful series during this challenging year for all studio teachers.

Enjoy and I hope to see you there virtually!

Carol Ann Barry